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Francesco Donadel Campbell was born in Padua, Italy, on 17 July 1972. He worked with Shin Vision and SoundnVision to control and enhance audio/visual quality. Long time music lover and headphones enthusiast, actually review hi-end headphones, headphone amplifiers and DACs for Suono, a major national hi-fi magazines, here his complete biography.
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Contents of this site are copyright of Francesco Donadel Campbell. You may not reproduce articles or paragraphs without a prior and express permission of the author
Texts, drawings, photos, videos, layout and all other contents are produced independently and owned by Francesco Donadel Campbell, other content of third-party sources are the property of their respective owners and used here because free of copyright, public domain or explicitly granted, if you find a law violation you can contact us specifying terms of case.
Some of the articles here are published into Suono magazine in partial or modified form, in this case Suono magazine holds copyright in the forms and limits declared by themself.
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